Archive for PS3

Aliens vs. Predator *Demo Patched*

Posted in gamer, Games with tags , , , , , , , on February 6, 2010 by nunetherlands

Developer Rebellion has apologized for matchmaking problems suffered by players of the PC demo for Aliens vs. Predator:

Unprecedented demand for Aliens vs. Predator following the release of the cross-platform demo yesterday morning brought to light matchmaking issues on the PC platform resulting in players having to wait to join games, or even not find games at all.

We’re pleased to say later in the day the issue was corrected and a small patch to the PC executable next time you launch it from Steam  will have you finding and playing games using Quick Match as it was intended.

While this issue did not affect the Xbox 360, we are, with SEGA’s assistance investigating reports of a similar nature on the PlayStation 3 and working flat out on a solution.

The full game features the ability to browse for and create games but for the purposes of simplicity the demo was limited to matchmaking, alongside the ability to set up groups with friends which mitigated yesterday’s issues for many. We’re really sorry that this issue tainted a day in which we saw many people get hands on with AvP for the first time and we’re hugely gratified by the positive feedback to the game.

Aliens vs. Predator arrives for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in North America on February 16 then for Europe on February 19.

DJ Hero now for Pre-orders

Posted in console games, gamer, Games, gaming news with tags , , , , , , , on May 30, 2009 by nunetherlands


Check it out at DJ

Fable 2 Patch Released, Fixes Game-stopping Bugs

Posted in 3rd person games, console games, gamer, Games, gaming news with tags , , , , , on January 13, 2009 by nunetherlands


Lionhead has released the promised patch for its open-world action-RPG Fable 2, resolving several game-stopping bugs that have been afflicting some since its mid-October debut. The update comes just one day before the first batch of Fable II downloadable content, which will add a new island, new quests, new items and characters for $10.

Hackers break SSL with PS3

Posted in DIY, hacking, hardware, software with tags , , on December 31, 2008 by nunetherlands


Using computing power from a cluster of 200 PS3 game consoles and about $700 in test digital certificates, a group of hackers in the U.S. and Europe have found a way to target a known weakness in the MD5 algorithm to create a rogue Certification Authority (CA), a breakthrough that allows the forging of certificates that are fully trusted by all modern Web browsers.

Full Story Here

Stormrise (Video)

Posted in entertainment, Games, gaming news, pc games with tags , , , , , , on December 2, 2008 by nunetherlands

Publisher Sega has released a video of Stormrise the futuristic strategy game from Total War series creator Creative Assembly. The game was originally announced as a console exclusive, made only for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but hardware maker AMD outed a PC version is also in the works. Featuring a story with a post-apocalyptic world following a monster invasion, Stormrise will hit sometime next year.

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Prince of Persia PC Delayed(System Requirements)

Posted in gamer, Games, pc games, RPG games with tags , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by nunetherlands


The PC release of Ubisoft Montreal’s colorful platform Prince of Persia has been delayed one week after the console versions hit, according to reports and retail listings For example, shows the PC version hitting North America on December 9, with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 editions still on track for the promised December 2 launch.  No reason was provided for the delay, though Ubisoft and Electronic Arts are among the many publishers that have been postponing PC releases until after console versions arrive (like with EA’s Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge). In other news, the PC system requirements were released:

Here are the minimum PC specs to run PoP, there are no recommended specs as basically anything you have over this will run it nicely.

Supported OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista
Processor: Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or better recommended)
RAM: 1 GB Windows XP/2 GB Windows Vista
Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0–compliant sound card (5.1 sound card recommended)
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 libraries (included on disc)
DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive
Hard Drive Space: 8 GB
Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)

Mirror’s Edge Launch Trailer

Posted in 3rd person games, entertainment, gamer, Games, Video with tags , , , , , , , on November 7, 2008 by nunetherlands

The long wait is coming to a close with this official launch trailer for Mirror’s Edge, from DICE and EA. The free-running based game is coming to the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

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Mirror’s Edge – Demo Trailer

Posted in entertainment, gamer, Games, tech news, Video with tags , , , , , , on November 1, 2008 by nunetherlands

Celebrating the release of the Mirror’s Edge Demo, Electronic Arts has released a new Mirror’s Edge Demo Trailer. 

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Burnout Paradise ‘Party’ DLC, Ultimate Box Revealed

Posted in entertainment, gamer, Games, gaming news, racing games, sports cars, tech news with tags , , , , , , , on October 31, 2008 by nunetherlands

Continuing the trend of regularly scheduled downloadable content releases for Burnout Paradise, developer Criterion Games has just revealed details on the first additions for the new year, dubbed “Party.”

The premium DLC will add a hotseat multiplayer mode to the game, allowing
for group gameplay with a single controller. The pack also includes an
altered aesthetic for this special mode.

There is no word on whether any of the current multiplayer modes will be incorporated into
this Party mode, but as most of them require more than one person’s car
competing against another, I can’t imagine how that would work.

The Party pack is scheduled for release on the Xbox Live Marketplace and
PlayStation Network in February 2009. Criterion has yet to reveal how
much this round of DLC will cost.

Additionally, Criterion revealed the impending release of the Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box.

This updated retail release of the game will contain all the content of the
original boxed copy, alongside all downloadable content released up
until that point.

No price has yet been established for the Ultimate Box, but it will hit retail shelves roughly around the same time that the Party DLC reaches your online-enabled consoles.

Need for Speed Underground “Game Play”

Posted in entertainment, Games, pc games, racing games, Video, Wii with tags , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2008 by nunetherlands

EA has released a new trailer for its Black Box studio’s Need for Speed Undercover, the latest in the arcade racing series. No matter which platform–PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS or PSP–Undercover shifts into top gear on November 18.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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