Archive for the amazing stories Category

Cruise Ship Fighting back at Somali Pirates

Posted in amazing stories, international news, True Crime with tags , , , , on April 27, 2009 by nunetherlands


An Italian cruise ship with 1,500 people on board fended off a pirate attack far off the coast of Somalia when its Israeli private security forces exchanged fire with the bandits and drove them away, the commander said Sunday.

Full Story at  Fox News

“The Human Calendar”

Posted in amazing stories, research study, science, strange stories, you tube with tags , , , , on April 16, 2009 by nunetherlands

The women who can not forget

Full Story at Wired

Cloned Camel Born in Dubai

Posted in amazing stories, international news, science, wildlife with tags , , , , on April 15, 2009 by nunetherlands


A scientist says the world’s first cloned camel has been produced in the desert emirate of Dubai.

Full Story At ABC News

First Solar City in Florida

Posted in amazing stories, tech news with tags , , on April 11, 2009 by nunetherlands


A Florida developer announced an ambitious plan Thursday for a 19,500-home city with energy-efficient buildings that will be ” The first city on earth powered by zero-emission solar energy.'”

Full Story Here

Students Take Space Photos with Just a Nikon digital camera

Posted in amazing stories, international, international news, research study, science with tags , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2009 by nunetherlands


The four Spanish teenagers, working with their teacher Jordi Fanals Oriol as the Meteotek team at the IES La Bisbal school in Catalonia, started with a fairly lofty goal: They wanted to launch a balloon with a digital camera and some custom-built electronic sensors to 30,000 feet.

Full Story at Switched

Check them out at there Flickr Page

The Tai Chi Scooter

Posted in amazing stories, DIY projects, international, international news with tags , , , on March 20, 2009 by nunetherlands


The Tai Chi Scooter ditches the Segway’s handlebars in favor of an optical encoder that monitors the angular displacement of the electric motor.

Full Story At Wired

USB prosthetic finger

Posted in amazing stories, hardware, international, strange stories with tags , , , , on March 19, 2009 by nunetherlands


Jerry Jalava, 29, a self-described software developer from Finland who lost part of his left ring finger in May in a motorcycle accident.

Now, he says, he wears a prosthetic finger made of silicone, which looks fairly natural — except that he can peel back the tip to uncover a USB drive tucked inside.

You can check out his Flickr Page here

Full Story Here

Battery that ‘charges in seconds’

Posted in amazing stories, hardware, research study, science, tech news, Technology on March 12, 2009 by nunetherlands

Gerbrand Ceder, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US, and his colleagues used a computer simulation to model the movements of ions and electrons in a variant of the standard lithium material known as lithium iron phosphate.

Check out full story at BBC

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Battery that ‘charges in seconds’“, posted with vodpod

Coffee Fueled Cars Possible Future??

Posted in amazing stories, automobiles, biology, international, international news, science, Technology with tags , , , on March 8, 2009 by nunetherlands


But new forms of biodiesel are now starting to change the picture again. One of them is derived from the remains of a drink enjoyed the world over: coffee.

Full Story at the Economist

World’s cheapest car Tata Nano

Posted in amazing stories, automobiles, international, international news, tech news, you tube with tags , , , , on March 1, 2009 by nunetherlands


Often called the Model T of the 21st century, the Tata Nano is expected to go into production for the growing Indian automotive market on March 23, with orders being accepted in April.

Full Story Here