Archive for October 10, 2008

“Web Traffic Jam” as People Search for Financial News

Posted in credit crisis, economic news, international, News with tags , , on October 10, 2008 by nunetherlands
The internet feel a little slower lately? Well it is because so many people are going online to search things related to the current economic crisis that it is slowing things down all over the place.  Visits to websites such as the business-centric Wall Street Journal and economy-focused Yahoo Finance set new records as the US Congress grappled with its 700 billion dollar plan to stop credit markets from imploding. Internet tracker comScore says visits to, which steers drivers to stations featuring low fuel prices, are up nearly 30 percent and it expects to report spikes in traffic to finance and bargain-hunter websites when September statistics are calculated later this week.

Street Fighter 4 ‘TGS 2008’ trailer

Posted in 3rd person games, arcade, coin op, entertainment, fighting games, Games, Video with tags , , , , , , on October 10, 2008 by nunetherlands

The World Warriors prepare for the biggest fight yet. Capcom’s Street Fighter 4 is out in the arcades and is coming soon to PS3 and Xbox 360.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Street Fighter 4 ‘TGS 2008’ trailer“, posted with vodpod


Python hides in car for six months

Posted in Bizarre, Dutch, Dutch News, international, Netherlands, News, strange stories with tags , , , , , , , on October 10, 2008 by nunetherlands

A python which vanished from a house in Deventer,Netherlands about six months ago has turned up hiding in the car of its owner Raymond Oosterbroek, reports Friday’s Telegraaf.

Oosterbroek had driven over 3,000 km with the python hiding in the car.

The snake was found in the Volvo S40 by second-hand car salesman Marten van Kastel, who was taking photos of it for his company’s website.

‘I thought at first it was a leaf, but then I saw the snake’s head,’ Van Kastel told the paper. ‘Then it moved. I nearly jumped out of my skin.’

Dutch government announces bailout fund

Posted in Dutch News, international, News with tags , , , , on October 10, 2008 by nunetherlands

The Dutch government has made 20 billion euros available immediately for the country’s financial institutions, including banks and insurance agencies. Finance Minister Wouter Bos and Central Bank President Nout Welllink announced the fund Thursday evening.

Full Story Here

“Icesave clients” will get their cash back

Posted in credit crisis, Dutch News, international, News with tags , , , , , on October 10, 2008 by nunetherlands

Dutch savers who put their money into Icelandic internet bank Icesave will get up to €100,000 of their money back, whatever happens, finance minister Wouter Bos promised on Thursday night.

Bos did not rule out taking legal action against the Icelandic government, which is technically guarantor for the first €20,000 of each saver’s cash.

Dutch officials will be talking to the Icelandic authorities on Friday about getting savers’ money back. But discussions over the past few days have proceeded with ‘great difficulty’ the Telegraaf reports.

Frozen accounts

All the bank’s accounts were frozen at the beginning of this week when Icesave’s parent company Landsbanki was put under government control after getting into financial difficulties.

Some 120,000 people in Holland have a total of €1.7bn in Icesave. The Icelandic government is responsible for the first €20,000 or so, with the Dutch guaranteeing the rest up to €100,000.

Central bank president Nout Wellink said on Thursday that most Dutch claims are under €20,000. Savers will get a form to fill in next week to make their claim.