Archive for New zealand

Thief with X-Box and IPod flees crutch-wielding girl

Posted in amazing stories with tags , , , on January 28, 2010 by nunetherlands

A courageous 11-year-old girl wielding her father’s crutch chased a fleeing burglar 500 metres to get her precious Xbox and iPod back.

Peter Sciascia, who is on crutches after breaking his leg, returned home with his three children and one of their friends on Tuesday afternoon and saw someone running out the back of his Otaki house.

“He just bolted,” Mr Sciascia said. “I hobbled around to see where he had gone. The kids went inside to see if anything was missing and I sent Rena out to the road to see if she could see him.”

Discovering the burglar had made off with the family’s Xbox, games, iPod and some cash, Rena Sciascia, 11, gave chase.

“She just grabbed the crutch and started chasing him,” Mr Sciascia said.

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Toddler stuck in vending machine

Posted in arcade, international, international news, Odd news with tags , , , , , , on February 28, 2009 by nunetherlands


New Zealand,Queensland Shoppers watched on – most of them trying to control their laughter – as little Lachlan Stevens grinned at them from inside the toy vending machine.

For a few moments the toddler was just another plush teddy bear waiting to be picked up by the overhead claws.

Full Story Here

KLM facing “Angry” New Zealand passengers

Posted in Dutch News, international, News with tags , , , , , on September 30, 2008 by nunetherlands

A Dutch airline is facing an angry backlash from disappointed New Zealand passengers after it cancelled cheap Europe flights booked on the internet.

KLM says the bargain basement prices were a mistake but the Commerce Commission will look into complaints that the flights should be honoured.

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