Archive for PC version

Tomb Raider: Underworld Demo

Posted in 3rd person games, entertainment, Games, pc games, RPG games, software, tech news with tags , , , , on October 31, 2008 by nunetherlands

Eidos Interactive has released a playable demo for Tomb Raider: Underworld (direct link), allowing you to try out the PC version of this action game by Crystal Dynamics.

Word is: ” “The demo will have players travelling to the western coast of Thailand – the second destination in Tomb Raider: Underworld – to experience a taste of the adventure that is to come. Gamers can master steep coastal cliffs, navigate perilous and crumbling ruins, evade vicious wild animals and use state-of-the-art gear such as the grapple or the new Field Assistance System to create and uncover paths that will take players deep into the challenging wilds of Thailand.”

The 1.5GB download is mirrored on AtomicGamer, AusGamers,, FanGaming, FileFront, FilePlanet, GH, GWelt.