Cruise Ship Fighting back at Somali Pirates


An Italian cruise ship with 1,500 people on board fended off a pirate attack far off the coast of Somalia when its Israeli private security forces exchanged fire with the bandits and drove them away, the commander said Sunday.

Full Story at  Fox News

3 Responses to “Cruise Ship Fighting back at Somali Pirates”

  1. that is so cool, was about time. And how the Israelis could inserted the weapons inside?

  2. juiceempire Says:


    I laughed when I read the breaking news story.

    Israeli special security forces – brilliant!

    Apparently many cruise liners employ them, and it’s obvious why.

    Because the Israeli’s will wreck shit, and by “wreck shit” I mean devastate enemy combatants.

    Anyway, I would appreciate it if you’d check out my blog:

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  3. Pirate Killer Says:

    I think Somalia should be used as a nuclear test site.

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